Startup Academy

Transform your entrepreneurial ideas to reality
with our three month in-depth course.


It was an honour to help these projects strive.

First month
Kick off, Team establishment, Sprint

This is the month when we dream.
We plan, create teams and write a business plan.
Apart from that we study law requirements for founding a company.

This is the month when we dream.
We plan, create teams and write a business plan.
Apart from that we study law requirements for founding a company.

This is the month when we dream.
We plan, create teams and write a business plan.
Apart from that we study law requirements for founding a company.

Second month
Lectures, Prototypes and Feedback

It’s getting harder during the second month. We’re getting back to earth.
This is the time we commence creating and adjusting our prototypes.
We determine MVP and feedback plays a huge part.

It’s getting harder during the second month. We’re getting back to earth.
This is the time we commence creating and adjusting our prototypes.
We determine MVP and feedback plays a huge part.

It’s getting harder during the second month. We’re getting back to earth.
This is the time we commence creating and adjusting our prototypes.
We determine MVP and feedback plays a huge part.

Third month
Prototypes, Analysis and “The” Day

Prototypes are tested on customers.
Collected data is analysed and prototypes are getting finished.
We are preparing for the final presentation - with investors. And if you can handle all of this, you’ll even get a certificate!

Prototypes are tested on customers.
Collected data is analysed and prototypes are getting finished.
We are preparing for the final presentation - with investors. And if you can handle all of this, you’ll even get a certificate!

Prototypes are tested on customers.
Collected data is analysed and prototypes are getting finished.
We are preparing for the final presentation - with investors. And if you can handle all of this, you’ll even get a certificate!

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Táborská 940/31,
Praha 4, 140 00


09:00 – 17.00
Monday - Friday


Tel.: +420 602 249 317

IČO: 07233361        DIČ: CZ07233361
