„Podle mě je naší tajnou ingrediencí přátelská a kreativní atmosféra zapálených lidí, kteří neustále zvyšují svoji odbornost, nebojí se zodpovědnosti a soustředí se na to, aby dotáhli věci do konce.”
Jan Tyl – [CEO]
Why us?
We offer flexibility of a small company, strong vision and an opportunity to grow.
It’s up to you to encourage work-life balance, but we’ll do everything to ensure, that you feel fulfilled and happy at work.
Great environment
We are able to be creative only in an environment, that provokes our thoughts instead of nerves. Good relationship with others is crucial.
Some people are known to be living of space energy. But don’t worry, this is not the case. Show us what you’ve got and your value won’t be overlooked.
Constant studying is the alpha and omega of today's world. If you are longing for new knowledge, this is the place to be.
Our requirements
You don’t have to know all of these words. Enthusiasm and willingness to learn is enough.
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